Carlisle Tickets
People who purchased tickets are advised by the promoter of this event that we will no longer be mailing out tickets but you will simply need take your order confirmation e-mail and ID to the venue. Doors open at 8pm.
The promoter is Allison Walter and she will have the complete list of Sandbag customers. Please make sure the box office staff are aware that you purchased the tickets through the fanclub pre sale.
Only the person whose name is on the order will be able to claim the tickets and we will refund the £2 postage that we charged you (it will go back onto the credit card used to place the order).
Please let us know if you have any questions.
The promoter is Allison Walter and she will have the complete list of Sandbag customers. Please make sure the box office staff are aware that you purchased the tickets through the fanclub pre sale.
Only the person whose name is on the order will be able to claim the tickets and we will refund the £2 postage that we charged you (it will go back onto the credit card used to place the order).
Please let us know if you have any questions.
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