Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Live review of V2008

Admittedly, there isn't a massive crowd to greet The View this evening, but those here are clearly fans determined to have a great time during the set. The band seem to have the same idea, hammering out catchy indie rock songs and dancing around the 4music Stage complete with a topless drummer who looks like he should be in the Red Hot Chili Peppers - it's also pretty amazing given the evening's considerable drop in temperature.

They're scarily young looking lads, and you'd be able to easily picture them sitting in a classroom instead of holding their own for a major slot at V Festival, but their vocals don't betray them and their musical talents are more than worthy.

The camera zooms in on Keiren Webster's bright red wellies as he hopes around the stage during 'Wasted Little DJs' and the boys seem to be having a wicked time up there, and although it's a little hard to deciper Kyle Falconer's Dundee accent, the banter is well-received by the chirpy (and let's face it, probably more than a bit tipsy) crowd.

Naturally they can't resist doing 'Same Jeans', for which we've all been waiting, and it is rewarded with enough cheer to almost drown out the band themselves, but when everyone has calmed down and returned to dancing and flag-waving, we get to hear the song and remember why it was on the radio for so much of last year: it's a really great song. And in fact, The View, on review, are a pretty great band all round.

Virgin Radio, 19th August 2008


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