Friday, October 17, 2008

The View's Kings blast

The View have blasted chart rivals Kings of Leon.

The 'Same Jeans' hitmakers say the American band's critically acclaimed new album 'Only by the Night' is "s***e" and they ruined their sound when frontman Caleb Followill changed his appearance.

The View's drummer Stephen Morrison said: "That new Kings Of Leon album is s***e. As soon as he cut his hair or something, he can get to f**k. It's f***ing b******s man, average".

The View are due to release their second album 'Which B***h?' next year.

Explaining the album's title, the band's singer Kyle Falconer said recently: "I called it that because it's an intriguing title. All the songs are about actual people on the LP. The title just means 'Which b***h am I singing about in which song?.' "

My Park Magazine, 17th October 2008


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